L'oreal Series Expert Omega 6 Aminexil Advanced Anti-thinning/Hair Loss 10X6ml 防脫髮精華液



L'ORÉAL PROFESSIONNEL SE AMINEXIL 防脫髮精華(10×6ML) 擔心頭髮日益稀疏? 那麼 L'Oréal Professionnel 專業系列 Aminexil 防脫髮精華將是您的不二之選。 這款革命性的護髮產品採用經證實能有效對抗脫髮的雙效配方。 52%的男性和76%的女性都有脫髮困擾,因此不用擔心,脫髮問題非常常見。 脫髮不僅僅與自然衰老有關,還受許多其他因素的影響。 遺傳因素、荷爾蒙變化、藥物(包括化療),甚至緊張、疲勞或驚嚇等情緒因素都可能導致脫髮。 L'Oréal Professionnel 專業系列 Aminexil 防脫髮精華是一款融合了 Aminexil 和 Omega-6 營養複合物的雙重防脫產品。 Omega-6(簡稱維生素F)是一種非常滋潤的複合物,它能夠轉換成神經醯胺(秀髮的天然成分),還能作用於發根,刺激秀髮生長。 Aminexil 成分有助於保持毛囊的彈性和柔韌性,讓髮絲更牢固地植根於頭皮。 使用說明: 本品採用清爽配方,非常易於塗抹,您可以在家中自助使用。 您可以先做一個密集護理療程,然後在之後的一年中再做幾次為期8周的護理療程。 密集護理療程:Aminexil 高級護理精華最好按密集護理療程使用,每天塗抹,持續6周。 保持效果:按療程使用,每週至少塗抹3次,持續8周。 使用說明: 📌塗抹於幹發或洗髮後用毛巾擦乾的頭髮上。 📌仔細將 Aminexil 高級精華均勻地塗抹在發根處,然後用指腹輕輕按摩頭皮1分鐘。 📌本品將被立即吸收。 📌無需沖洗。 L'oreal Professionnel Series Expert Advanced Anti-thinning/Hair Loss 6ml / Vial L'Oreal Series Expert Aminexil Advanced 6ml is a concentrated serum with Aminexil against hair loss. It provides essential nutrients that stimulate the activity of the root and help to protect the density of the hair from start to end. Aminexil prolongs the hair growth phases and prevents hardening of collagen, which accumulates around the hair follicle and thus reduces the adhesion of the hair root in the scalp. In this way Aminexil combats baldness. Suitable for fine and thin hair, hair loss. Tips for use: This non-greasy formula is easy to apply and can be used in the privacy of your own home. You can start with an intensive course, followed up with a few 8-week courses of maintenance during the rest of the year. Intensive Course: Ideally Aminexil Advanced should be used as an intensive course of treatments with one daily application for 6 weeks. How to use: •Apply to dry or shampooed and towel dried hair •Carefully distribute Serie Expert Aminexil Advanced at hair roots and •massage scalp gently using fingertips for 1 minute •The product will be absorbed instantly. •Do not rinse (3474636505845) #LOREAL #防脫髮 #專業 #頭髮稀疏 #抗脫髮 #防脫產品 #刺激秀髮生長 #Aminexil #Omega-6 #hairloss #Anti-thinning #hairgrowth

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